Character Lot (YLNW)
This is the character sheet of my new campaign members, along with their enemies in their first encounter. I won't post this as a whole story but if I like some certain parts I might put them here. When I say I like, it's probably going to be something so horrible or disgusting to picture in your head and I managed to portray it well with my words, because that is the kind of thing I seem to 'like' doing. But we'll see...
Out of two character sets, I can't really say that I like the first or the latter one. I think both are unique but the latter one I don't think will be able to stick with the format they are in currently. I'm saying that in this first adventure, they'll be down a couple of members if not a complete party wipe, just guessing here... That second orc is a tough opponent...
Edit 1: Yup... The second orc has 1 Hit K-O'ed Wynne, which was my favorite character in the group. It was an overkill as well. We might have a party wipe at the end of this.
Edit 2: Aaaand we had a party wipe. FML! And three of the deaths were overkills. I'm kind of depressed at this state. All, nicely prepared, decent characters... All of them being chopped off or mauled, brutally, by an orc couple, in less than two minutes... I'll have to make new sheets and also, I won't post anything further about it. I haven't written it yet I'll do so later. Good game, well played. I'm out.
Character Lot:
“A small village close to the realm of eternal night."
1) Yethvas:
Description: “Silvery white, combed hair with three feet length, glassy gray eyes that look indifferent to the world's struggle, a pale but lively skin and a square chin... Yethvar is a slow man and his body is quite sensitive to harm. Though his experience with the spear that he carved from basalt is exceeding. He wears a set of very black cotton pants and shirt under a very black cotton robe. Rune marks of Zul'r are hidden in the black color."
State: "Slow, vulnerable, very skilled. Everything else is about average."
Dunvar's Emporium:
“A great marketplace and a resort. Shaped, powered, decorated and managed by arcane energy. This particular grand plaza has everything a RICH man could ever need. Dunvar Corp. is pleased by bringing you such luxuries."
2) Laralaine Venna:
Description: “Despite being born in the northern lands, she has lived her life travelling with her family. A pale skinned girl with a two feet wavy blonde hair. She wears a thin, violet mage robe with loose sleeves. Made of a heat conducting metal and a light blue crystal on the focus, her wand is passed to her from her mother."
State: "Her stats are about average. Except that her damage is a little low and she has almost no armor."
Ruqhem Desert:
“An average desert in midlands... There are some small settlements here and there, little villages around small oases mostly."
3) Neshlein:
Description: “A sturdy and strong lady in sand colored desert garments, under some shining steel full body armor. Her skin is light brown and she has braided shoulder length black hair. Made from sturdy red steel, her scimitar is coated with a strange, flickering and bubbling, weak, acidic liquid which she carries several vials of in her rucksack. She can't really use her scimitar very well just yet."
State: "She is sturdy and somewhat strong due to her nature but she doesn't now how to use a scimitar, basically."
Ulaethram Shelter:
“A small city made of metal and quartz in the realms of terror. Started as a survey landship from Iwarryne Agraelde but their power depleted halfway through, due to the unnatural nature of this cursed land. After being stuck there for so long, people built a settlement around the ship, from what they could gather in the lands and continued living there for decades after that. Many decades of being exposed to the realm of terror, eating the food grown from it, drinking the water flowing on it, absorbing the very essence of arcana from it, has changed the texture of their eyes, their immune system and some parts of their body also adaptated."
4) Wynne:
Description: “A rough, blonde skinned Iwarry female with shoulder length auburn hair. Her eyes are opaque yellow scleras with a green iris and a dark crimson pupil. She wears an outfit made of hard crimson leather and dark, sturdy cloth and bonemold parts. A gripped pole made out of carved bone, her wand glimmers with a bloodstone in its focus."
State: "Low health, low damage, high armor, high dex and agi, below average endurance and below average intelligence and wisdom."
Road Trouble
“In the broad daylight of Treamor, two bandits, a couple, plunder the trade cart of a wandering merchant, after murdering him. You are late to save the man but maybe you can avenge him. And perhaps take the goods for yourself?"
Stage: ( 1 / 1 ) : Caught Red Handed:
“A couple of mean looking orcish bandits riffle through the dead man's cart. They have odd looking bleached brown skins. The woman is intimidating by herself, the man is a terror from nightmares. You better be well prepared, as your first adventure may be your last..."
1) Orc Bandit Crusher:
Description: “A strong built orc woman in her late thirties, named Waghora She has a roudy demeanor. Her shoulder length black hair is tied with a metal band behind her head. Her skin is, oddly, bleached brown. She has a large poled five feet mallet with a head made of a chunk of tree trunk. She wears a basic iron armor with dark green, rough, lizard leather enhancements. Even though she looks intimidating and dumb, she is quite a quick witted orc. But she can't move fast enough to save her own life, especially with that mallet. "
2) Orc Bandit Brute:
Description: “An aggressive orc, two meters tall and very thick, and blowing steam from his nostrils. He's named Sildud, he is the husband of Wagbora. He has a bald head and a stubby pitch black beard over his face, which is bleached brown just like his wife's skin. His right hand axe is as huge as a two handed battleaxe but he can wield it one handed. The axe has a darkwood pole and two edged blade made out of hardened ice with green, sprawling veins in it. The blade pulses with a cyan colored light as it emits strong icy vapors. He wears a heavy dark metal armor covered in both dried and fresh bloodstains."
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