Character Lot (QM/S/X/T)


Final Edit:   Another party wipe, this time even worse... My third team (Q/V/M/Z) withstood so much trouble that I thought this game wasn't that cruel after all. Well, my 5th team has gone into the void of unknown. They were killed, brutally, in the first encounter. And I had put so much effort into their design as well, and those were some interesting characters. All dead now. Xethar first, then followed by Scarz, then finally Quah'ren and Talonne.
   I already have a few fun ideas for the next party's adventure, hopefully they won't be dead in the first encounter too. But we'll see...

Since I had a first adventure first instance party wipe with the latest party, it is time to create a new one. Hopefully this one will not fail too...

I've only made one character so far, he looks interesting:


Character Lot:
Rotten Lands:
“Land of the dead, hidden in the eternal land of darkness... Where the soil is made of rotted flesh, ichor and ground up bones. Where vengeful spirits and twisted abominations of the living dead roams freely. The spider web of the malignant Hrocnar, luring the living into its grasp to be feasted upon by the undead."
1)   Quah'ren Mulgur:
Description:   “An embodiment of darkness stuck between the land of the living and the purgatory... The transparent gray skin is as faint as a corpse, the light-weighted shade-like man has no eyes. Instead there is a soft smoke emitting from the sockets and dissipating shortly after in an ever continuing cycle. This half material, half ethereal being only responds through telepathy and has a great understanding of the ones around it, despite its limited wit. The aura of darkness wraps him around well but the exposed spirit is completely open to harm. His double edged axe is only an echo of the one from the ethereal realm, thus it can only do little impact in the material world, despite its might in the ethereal realm. The weightless weapon absorbs the light around it into its blurry and unstable darkness."
State:   "The worst possible endurance, average strength and dexterity, and very nice agility. Terrible intelligence and exceedingly good wisdom. Nice amount of armor and surprisingly high health, despite the horrible damage, especially for a two handed weapon. Great elemental defense against darkness though."

Arctic Deadlands:
“White coated barren lands of the northern continent, left unexplored by the several northern generations since the dawn of time due to the ravaging blizzards and desolation. Only a few humanoid tribes live in the shores of these deadlands and the rest is darkness to all earth dwellers. Not many of the stories have been proved, but it is said that the land changes the ones who dwell in it, that something unearthly lies beneath the soil and in the air."
2)   Scarz:
Description:   “A Rhequorian male in his late twenties. His appearance completely resembles the average male in his tribe, with his cold blue skin, his gleaming gray, pupilles eyes, his edged face and his two horns emerging from the back of his head, over the ears at each side. The horns are thick, have the color of black with a blue tint and they twist into a singular spiral, like a goat's horn. He wears gray fur and dark leather outfit. In his right hand, there is a small oval hammer with a head made of very thick, almost opaque ice. The arctic pinewood pole has a strange unnatural essence stone, glowing with a greenish yellow, clutched into the end bit of the pole which is shaped like a claw, which is also encased in the hardened ice. This hammer was granted as a gift for Scarz from his relatives."
State:   "Mostly average, somewhat fragile, a bit dimwitted and completely naive."

Gallethorn's Reach:
“A large town, perched on top of a cliff in the Ashlands. The flat top houses are made of seared red brick and ashwood logs. Occupied by humans, this town has pledged allegiance to the stronghold, Creznar's Keep. It is one of the landmarks for aerial transportation. They have a special breed of tamed bronze wyverns for that purpose."
3)   Xethar:
Description:   “Once worked as a wyvern master, this auburn haired blonde woman wanted to venture off to see something other than ashes and fire. She grabbed her backpack and her sword and never returned after taking off with a wyvern. She had to leave the animal when she reached another destination though, as she couldn't provide the amount of meat the overgrown winged lizard needed daily. She wears  gray colored ash dwelling clothing and a goggled leather cap, which you have to wear if you are flying in the ashlands sky or your eyes would get scorched. Her sword is made of emberwood, an ash gray wood that is resistant to fire and notorious for holding an unending blaze inside the scorched bark. The hilt is carved off of seared rock. The wooden blade has a rough, jagged shell which has a lot of holes on it, filled with the everburning essence of ember, glowing with a pulsing fiery orange."
State:   "Quite skilled with a sword, fast and harmful enough. Though she lacks a bit of strength, sturdiness and a set of armor. She is a little easy to be tricked or seduced, but this doesn't mean that she isn't smart enough."

Hrothmarc Plague Zeppelin:
“A well enhanced thick brown balloon between two smaller balloons with the same structure stands above the dark, sturdy, wooden body of a galleonesque ship with four hatches at the bottom to deploy the plague bombs. The ship's structure gleams with a very thin white aura of whirling condensed air. The source of this aura is the chunks of large crystal, named Aelrod, the windstone in common, burning in the main hot air furnace as the ship's fuel source. There are six Windmagi operating the ship and a couple dozen of well armed crew members, half of them are close combat units. The plague bombs are deployed all four at once and they are designed to effect the five mile radius landscape from the impact point in twenty minutes, while the explosion on impact is neglicibly small but deadly nonetheless."
4)   Talonne:
Description:   “Two brown feathered thick wings emerge from her scapulae. Her skin is light brown and she has long brunette hair. The texture of her skin goes darker, tougher and bumpy on her arms, legs and back bones, where the brown feathers have sprouted. Her eyes are slanty and amber colored with no whites or pupils. Her face structure is very tense and bird like, with cheekbones sticking out, dark textured dry lips and yellowish small sharp teeth. She is considered unique in structure to her own kind, with the brown feathers and amber eyes. She wears only a set of crimson fur undergarments. She has a dark halberd made of very light metal, the blade is carved from the same white windstone used for fuel, and grinded into the sharpness of volcanic glass. Despite her appearance, she is smarter than most humans, or her own kind."
State:   "Strong, sturdy, tough, smart, no armor."


Edit 1:   Made the second character, he looks cool, too.
Edit 2:   Made the third character and she looks cool too, but the description design takes more time than the usual, since they are a bit longer than the ones before.
Edit 3:   This party is f*cking weird. Three of the characters are humanoids. The last one I think was the hardest to implement but I'm happy with the final design. Also, honestly, I can't manage the long, complex sentences and I really don't know where to put commas and I almost never use semi-colons, I'm not even sure where to use it. The sentences are a pain to understand, especially with the broken and/or improvised English here and there, so, sorry about that.


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