Next Raid Layout (QVMZ => Raid 3)

Layout of the next raid, five rooms... 
It might feature a town of crime, like Oswendale or Gredlear West Wing.
Generating rooms and enemies will define what it'll be.
I'm about to start doing that now.
But I won't begin this raid before I test some mechanics in GG2 (Death Grounds)
Stay safe and be happy.

- Ecrys Ealvor

Edit:   Done the room / character mapping. Compared them with the avg. char examples. Most of them are above avg, there is a chance that we won't even be able to get out of the first room alive. Took me about 15 mins to do this for 10 characters (enemies), thanks to my java gui character generator, element variation thing and avg. character displayer. Btw yes, 2/2/2/1/1 is the enemy character distribution between rooms, respectively. Which is relieving because I really think that some of the characters in the group won't make it to the last two rooms, due to some unlucky rolls. Also I've got the basic idea of the setting I will have to picture... and it looks, kind of peculiar.
So here we go! Time to create another adventure that will traumatize our characters even further, if they are lucky enough to survive, that is...

Edit:   Two days later... Added a very complex system that has DoT effects, immobilizing effects, elemental strengths / weaknesses / modifiers, possible custom room challenges (not yet though). I've been working on it for a couple of hours now and the result I've got is disturbingly complicated. Some parts are even worse than the old game. Well, I haven't had a test run yet, these new effects aren't balanced at all. But it will have to do... It looks nice, I hope it will be nice.

Edit:   A night time later...Well... The game is even more complicated now, every weapon also has their unique element; every weapon type has their plusses and minuses. Crit system is added and in an hour or so, the retreat system will be added, even though I hate the idea of it...

Edit:   Retreat system is complete. I added some other small things too. The game is now even more complicated? Yes. But luckily, only the combat will slow down, which is the easiest and the most fun part for me, so it balances out. It's safe to say that it is like a whole new game! I don't think it will have a huge impact on the story progression though.

Edit:   Albeit the complications, the game is easy to handle, since it doesn't have 'inventory and equipments', various junk items and completely detailed characters, unlike the first game. I have done a lot of improving in the last day, but the game still lacks a lot of other things. I won't touch them yet though. Not until I get bored of this version.

Edit:   Midnight now... Tested the game. And I can say that this is the most complicated and slow burning combat system I've ever made. But, boy, is it good? Hell yeah! Works like a charm. I like this, a lot... It's like a proper turn based game now, if not better...


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