Character Lot (QVMZ): Vale of Lethvarz

This is the new character lot for the new adventure in the Vale of Lethvarz. It's a bit all over the place but it might be interesting in the long run, we'll see...
This time, stages aren't connected together but every one of them is a different event under the same theme and setting. The enemies look quite interesting and some of them are very strong, so there could be casualties, we'll see... It was a harder setting to implement on my part, putting the pieces together that the game provided me was quite a difficult challenge for this one. But I managed it, somewhat...
Well, in a couple of days there should be the first stage, neatly written and served.
This adventure will probably make no sense at all, storywise, but here we go...


Character Lot:
Oviarden's Parthenon:
“A moderate sized city, carved on the side of a land-locked glacier, built around the parthenon of Oviarden, an Iscelar descendant. The city has several wind turbines that produce energy, thus it is a spot of opportunities for people of science in various types. Its walls are made out of hardened ice and people get into and out of the city with ziplines and the other stuff with steam powered elevators."
1)   Quaelyn:
Description:   “A mechanics lady with crimson colored, shortly cut hair, tied with a lousy knot behind her head, leaving sets of hair loose on the sides a a partial fringe on her left. She has lived a large part of her life in Oviarden's Parthenon, but decided to leave it to seek fortune in adventuring. She has a light leather chestplace over her white shirt, a mechanics belt with many sockets and a pair of old gloves. She has faded black cotton pants and soft leather boots. She is quite strong built, and her line of work helped enhance this over the years. She is exceptionally smart and also quite wise. She has a strong accent. She wields a white steel greathammer."
State:   "Her equipment has fallen behind the pace she is following. Even though her white steel hammer does nice work and her armor is helpful, for the new tasks she will face, their strength aren't enough. Stats wise, she is quite strong and sturdy and moderately skilled and agile, but her hammer slows her down."

“A quaint town built from dark oak. Its state is somewhat poor and people live to see the other day. This makes some of them quite trechareous, especially to outsiders. Not a spot to go spending time alone.”
2)   Vaineras:
Description:   “A shady, slender and somewhat middle aged brunette man with brown colored, unkempt hair. He left his hometown and he is wandering around without a real cause. He is wearing a brown cloth outfit of the common people under a leather body armor and a pair of dirty leather boots. He is quick witted but rather foolish and he is using dual steel daggers.”
State:   "His armor falls weak for a level 5 adventure. He is moderately skilled but his dual daggers still give him quite the trouble. He is strong, and very agile, since he equips dual daggers."

Fortress of Maverad:
“An outpost of vanguard forces that protect the forest of Maverad from the evil creations of corruption.”
3)   Marcelle:
Description:   “Previously hunted in the Galandreim area after he left for the outpost. A pale young Daegnonian with long wawy dark hair and a pointy chin, who is a sharp eyes ranger and quick feet. He wears a comfortable dirty white leather armor. He is adept with his enchanted icy willow bow and white steel headed birch arrows.”
State:   "He is extremely agile with his bow, and he falls a little open to harm against the enemies he'll be facing next."

Siege of Lascainthe:
“An army of Zulchiron Aithera, massed on the borders of the frozen city of Lascainthe. The siege took weeks, only to be disbanded by the reinforcements from a different faction of Iscelar's descendants. It was a slaughter...”
4)   Zagraine:
Description:   “He was a warrior in Zulchiron’s domain. Escaped after the last defeat and is living as an outcast ever since. Also, has scavenged an Iscelar greatsword in the same battle. He is a tough man with a keen eye. He had learned to control his body quite well in the army trainings. He has short and messy black hair, a rough black beard over his square chinned white face and he is wearing a dark green colored lizard leather outfit, with opaque steel right shoulderpad and kneepads.”
State:   "He's quite dexterous and he learned to operate his Iscelar greatsword even further, after a while of practicing, making him deal more damage more accurately. He is sturdy and healthy but even his armor is below the chart now."

Vale of Lethvarz:
“A small open landscape surrounded by a line of short hills and a mountain skirt. The valley had recently suffered from an unnatural disaster, where a couple of giant crystals have crashed onto the land and brought within a poisonous substance that spread and tainted the entire valley, painting it with dark purple and bright green. There is only one settlement in the valley and that is the city of Izheborth, with its keep, named the Rook's Nest."
Stage: ( 1 / 5 ) :   Suburbs of Izheborth:
“The suburbs of Izheborth... Looking uninviting with its many shanty looking two story buildings made of darkwood, for years this place was known for its people's tales of treachery, greed and tendence for harm. Now with the presence of corrupting poison, they are even more deadly."
1)   Renngrais Sulthrmarc :
Description:   “A lady in her mid thirties, from the nordic lands of ironwood, Klefgr Brind. She wears an armor made of ironwood and an alloy made with steel and Crethid Naer, a gray ore which gains a blue tint after being casted into a mould and cooled down. Much like her armor, she has a small hand-axe with a pole made of ironwood, and a blade made of ironwood etched steel. You are not sure why she is here or why she is aggressive towards you, but an unnatural corruption has taken hold in the city and that might be the reason."
2)   Galver:
Description:   “A tall young man in thick leather armor and a rough linen cape dyed in very dark purple with a complicated, light purple emblem encrusted on the back of it. His pointy black hair and auburn face has blood and taint stains over it but he looks determined, and somewhat crazed. And he isn't the least bit disturbed by the state of oblivion this city have been in. He seems happy in fact, and he wouldn't let you do anything to change that. One can see the poison hasn't conquered his mind, and he was like this long before these things happened. He has a long, brass colored stick made from an unknown ore, it has a grip on the end to hold the material of arcane power in the focus. The crystalized rock in the holster shines with a glowing faded green. An aura of faded green vapor and light surrounds the staff and Galver himself."

Stage: ( 2 / 5 ) :    Crystal of Isezyra:
“A colossal, bright green crystal of frozen poisonous liquid named Isezyra, shaped like a blunt arrow head, has recently crashed and carved a crater onto the surface of earth and shattered into a mile radius, near the city of Izheborth in the Vale of Lethvarz. The land, the grass got tainted with the poison and turned into a shade of dark purple. The green poison leaked everywhere and corrupted every living thing in its range. Many beasts and creatures, along with the nature itself, has deformed."
1)   Tainted Veshrac:
Description:   “A two headed, crawling, six legged giant green bug which moves at least twice faster than an average human. This thing generates energy from the bulging yellow glands hanging at the sides of its two mouths. As if that wasn't enough, the poison has deformed its whole structure and created several ichor bursting orrifices over its glands, expelling surges of energy combined with poison clouds."
2)   Spawn of Isezyra:
Description:   “A malformed asymmetric abomination of purple flesh and bright green crystal. Despite its size, too fast, too accurate and too intelligent for anyone's good. This creature wreaked the lands where the crystal's destruction couldn't reach. With a wavy growl and bright green glowing angry eyes, this creature will not cease its aggression until everything is infused with the tainted essence that corrupts it."

Stage: ( 3 / 5 ) :    Tainted Barrow:
“There is a barrow, a few miles north of the city. One of the two colossal crystals have crashed and shattered right in the heart of the barrow. Almost all the graves were defiled by the explosion and the crater it caused. You've been told about a beast that had eaten the exposed corpses of the recently deceased. You are there to hunt that beast, named Xyreb the Frother, but you aren't the only ones who rushed in for the bounty. The lady named Alise from the Weeping Lands is determined to claim the bounty after making the effort of getting there."
1)   Alise: 
Description:   “A slim, pale woman inside a white colored light leather outfit with sandals underneath. She also has a white unhooded cloak with light blue runes tailored on it, the runes are pulsating and disappearing in each three seconds as the cloak waves around back and forth with the mild wind. She has a quiver of lances with pointy, gleaming tips made of what looks like an opal gemstone. Her peculiarly blue hair is tied together with a white hair band and she has dotted light blue eyes. She talks with a very foreign accent."
2)   Xyreb the Frother: 
Description:   “A deformed direwolf, tainted with pure essence of poisonous substance from outer space. Its wet fur is an opaque dark purple, there are several pulsing wounds in its body, where glowing green liquid oozes out, slides down to its legs and lower body, and trickles onto the floor. The beast, albeit being quick to understand his prey's movements, is completely blinded by unnatural rage and the urge to destroy, infect and rot. Its howl comes as a frothing in its throat and a fountain of poison spouts out as it does so."

Stage: ( 4 / 5 ) :   The Rook's Nest: 
“City's keep is crushed down by a massive chunk of the shattered bright green crystal. Ruins of the large cobble structure scattered everywhere, mixed with parts of the crystal. Congealed poison has tainted the waters and the streets. Some of the darkwood houses were doused in green liquid and the wood turned purple, as every other organic thing had done so far. Back when the event has happened, people of the city had done nothing but wreaking even more havoc. Everything was pillaged and plundered. Bodies were on the floor, some of them rotten or deformed with poison."
1)   Bellathorn: 
Description:   “In the heavy armor of the guardsman, a lady approaches with a battleaxe in her hand. Axe is the same color as the tainted purple toxin and shimmers brightly for a while, then goes completely dark for a brief moment, then repeats the cycle. As she approaches, you can see her face is motionless and thick purple veins with thin branches like alveols sprawl in her skin and cover all over her face. The purple veins connect at her eyes, her nostrils, her mouth and her ears and poison oozes from every single opening. She looks like an empty husk, but still hears and understands. Even speaks, but in a gurgled and croaked way. Occasionally, when the blade goes dark, she starts to panic and begs for help. Then the blade goes bright, and she stops screaming. Looking hollow once again..."

Stage: ( 5 / 5 ) :   Undercity of Izheborth: 
“Back then, before the events have happened, this part of the city was only occupied by poor homeless people, prisoners, refugees, workers and rogue types wandering in pursuits or hiding from the mostly corrupt city guards or other criminals that seek something from them. Now? From a three month old newborn to a nan in her eighties, everyone was taking shelter from the people and creatures above. The place hadn't been clean back in the day, and it was even worse after the disaster struck, but it was at least somewhat safe from the living things and poison leaks. Guards were stationed at the main entrances, and the hatches in the homes that are still standing were barred or sealed off."
1)   Lleth: 
Description:   “A rogue urchin in stolen guardsman leather armor. Knows the entangled roads of the undercity quite well. He looks diseased but he acts quite fast. A thief, born and raised... He has a stolen steel sword of the guardsman, doused with the essence from the crystals. He tried to rob the innocent people when you encountered him. Now he threathens you."


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