Character Lot (QVMZ): Vale of Lethvarz
This is the new character lot for the new adventure in the Vale of Lethvarz. It's a bit all over the place but it might be interesting in the long run, we'll see... This time, stages aren't connected together but every one of them is a different event under the same theme and setting. The enemies look quite interesting and some of them are very strong, so there could be casualties, we'll see... It was a harder setting to implement on my part, putting the pieces together that the game provided me was quite a difficult challenge for this one. But I managed it, somewhat... Well, in a couple of days there should be the first stage, neatly written and served. This adventure will probably make no sense at all, storywise, but here we go... --- Character Lot: Allies: Oviarden's Parthenon: “A moderate sized city, carved on the side of a land-locked glacier, built around the parthenon of Oviarden, an Iscelar descendant. The city has several wind turbines ...