
Showing posts from July, 2016

Character Lot (QVMZ): Vale of Lethvarz

This is the new character lot for the new adventure in the Vale of Lethvarz. It's a bit all over the place but it might be interesting in the long run, we'll see... This time, stages aren't connected together but every one of them is a different event under the same theme and setting. The enemies look quite interesting and some of them are very strong, so there could be casualties, we'll see... It was a harder setting to implement on my part, putting the pieces together that the game provided me was quite a difficult challenge for this one. But I managed it, somewhat... Well, in a couple of days there should be the first stage, neatly written and served. This adventure will probably make no sense at all, storywise, but here we go... --- Character Lot: Allies: Oviarden's Parthenon: “A moderate sized city, carved on the side of a land-locked glacier, built around the parthenon of Oviarden, an Iscelar descendant. The city has several wind turbines ...

Next Raid Layout (QVMZ => Raid 3)

Layout of the next raid, five rooms...  It might feature a town of crime, like Oswendale or Gredlear West Wing. Generating rooms and enemies will define what it'll be. I'm about to start doing that now. But I won't begin this raid before I test some mechanics in GG2 (Death Grounds) Stay safe and be happy. - Ecrys Ealvor Edit:   Done the room / character mapping. Compared them with the avg. char examples. Most of them are above avg, there is a chance that we won't even be able to get out of the first room alive. Took me about 15 mins to do this for 10 characters (enemies), thanks to my java gui character generator, element variation thing and avg. character displayer. Btw yes, 2/2/2/1/1 is the enemy character distribution between rooms, respectively. Which is relieving because I really think that some of the characters in the group won't make it to the last two rooms, due to some unlucky rolls. Also I've got the basic idea of the setting I will have to p...

Story / Report Log of QVMZ

    This is the story / combat log of the GhostlyGame 2. Not necessarily an excellent work of art, but rather a glorified report sheet. Still though, you might enjoy it...    Reading the place and character descriptions in the character lot helps with picturing the images, but it isn't necessary.     Story gets much better as you continue. ---    Quaelyn, Vaineras, Marcelle and Zagraine journeyed into the forest of Veklorean after they were done with the ruined temple. They were given the mission by Dunvar Corp., the mercenary company, to capture one of the fortresses in the forest, which was the Great Oak Outpost.    It was after dusk, when they approached near the roots of the great tree, trying hard to not be seen by the eyes of the forest, the lookout of the great oak...    They could see the entrance of the hollow from afar, unguarded by the looks. On the left of it there was the stairwell and also leftwards b...

Character Lot (QVMZ): Great Oak Outpost

This is the current character lot of my recent, simplified text based game with an interactive story and with a dice roll based combat. Just putting it out here, for no reason... These are only the descriptions. Character Lot: Allies: Oviarden's Parthenon: “A moderate sized city, carved on the side of a land-locked glacier, built around the parthenon of Oviarden, an Iscelar descendant. The city has several wind turbines that produce energy, thus it is a spot of opportunities for people of science in various types. Its walls are made out of hardened ice and people get in and out of the city with ziplines and the other stuff with steam powered elevators." 1)   Quaelyn: “A mechanics lady with crimson colored, shortly cut hair, tied with a lousy knot behind her head, leaving sets of hair loose on the sides a a partial fringe on her left. She has lived a large part of her life in Oviarden's Parthenon, but decided to leave it to seek fortune in adventuring. She has a lig...

Ealvor Estate Screenshots (In Progress)
