A Spot of Fishing (ASC) (In Progress)

   I was working on a new story and I found this short segment of unfinished text. I don't know why I didn't finish writing it back then, but I'm putting this here so that I can remind myself later to continue where I left off. I think this was supposed to be a very chill comic script. Honestly, I could use a good story of funtime hot weather fish'n chill adventure in these somewhat cold November days. 
   Ah yes, the new story I was working on... I haven't written anything in a while and I forgot how to write, basically. It'll soon come back to me, though. The story is about, well let me just post the explanation here instead of putting it in the story post that will be here in this website later:

   "This story is based on a post-apocalyptic setting. I haven't decided what should be the exact cause of this aftermath. In time, I'll come to a conclusion. Until then, I'm rolling with whatever my mind and the dice tell me to write. 
   Amber was originally one of my Fallout 4 characters, whom I played as for more than 120 hours in about one month. She survived living in the wasteland; scavenging for supplies, food, water, and everything else. Once I set a nice place for myself and once food, water and supplies would pile up, I'd leave the place with a limited amount of resources in my backpack and search for a new place to call home. Going through this survival routine made me very immersed into the games atmosphere and honestly, made me care for the character as if she were real. When I had to leave my actual home in real life, I had to leave behind my desktop computer, thus I had to leave Amber behind. There are valid reasons, I just can't bother to explain. Anyway, ever since then, I've always missed acting as her and being in the wasteland, barely surviving. So finally, I am getting myself into a more story based and less game based interactive text adventure thing. The setting won't exactly be like Fallout 4, as it takes place in my own world and timeline, Ascalond, the fifth era. I must admit, even I don't know what happens in the fifth era. So this is all new stuff for all of us. The dice will decide our path. So, onwards, let's begin the story of Amber, the ginger lady in her mid twenties."


Part 1

   Isczarc 18, 2€1177 (7₺) (14:39)

   Today's Special:   ASC!

   SET 1:   To the Lake!
   It was a very hot afternoon near the lake of Galaen.
   "What a scorcher...." complained Aldren as he glanced at the sun, already doused in his own sweat, eyes slanted with the blinding light. A fishing hat stood on his head, tilted forwards.
   "I told you, pal." Stear looked quite content with a fixed mild grin on his face. His fishing rod on his shoulder and a bag of stuff on his back. 
   "Ahh..." Crell closed his eyes and sighed with a deep breath, happily embracing the heat. "Reminds me of the days I spent in Augher."
   Three guys trudged along a dirt path in the forest clearing near the lake. It was a nice, relaxing journey among trees with the sounds of buzzing bugs and singing birds, if only the weather could be less scalding...
   Crell:   "So... Since this is the usual point where we start a debate, what do you two have in mind."
   Stear:   "I'll start mine after we slosh down a couple of meads. For now let's talk nonsense."
   Aldren:   "Yeah, I got a few of my own skeletons in the cupboard to reveal."
   Crell:   "Have you seen Ecrys in a while?"
   Aldren:   "Hasn't he gone to, what's the name, shit I can't remember. Somewhere north. Vex sent him on a task, alone."
   Stear:   "I've seen his eldest brother, Erwiel."
   Crell:   "What the hell is 'he' doing here?" <<he looked surprised>>
   Stear:   *shrugs* "I don't know. Must be something important."
   Stear:   "That reminds me, I should visit my little brother someday, Althorm is too far to travel to though."
   Crell:   *points somewhere* "Oh, nice... Anyone want some?" *dashes forward to the orchard*
   Crell:   *picks a pear and takes a bite* *yells* "Nice, they are still raw a little."
   Aldren:   *sighs* "That's probably like, someone else's fruit, man."
   Crell:   *tosses a pear to Stear* "Nah... They don't mind. I sure as hell don't mind."
   Stear:   *takes a bite* "Dude they barely have any juice in."
   Crell:   *picks a few and returns to the other two* "Just the way I like it."
   Aldren:   "Okay, come on, move forward. We have greyfins to catch."
   "Took me an hour gathering these babies, so be gentle with 'em, fellas." Stear drove a beige colored small worm through the shiny metal hook. "There we go."
   A swing, a buzz of string, and a gulp... Crell's bobber landed in the pristine water. "." 



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