
Showing posts from February, 2017

GG: Dungeons: Vardeth Research Facility (Room 1 Story)

   I've designed a new Survival & Dungeon Crawler roleplay game concept and I'm currently testing it. It is quite fun, but too slow and a little complicated. Here is the first stage of fourth era Clydia's playthrough of the game. The first room is always the safe room, so it is not as random as the others, but still very random. Almost everything down there is the product of dice. Hope you enjoy the story. Who knows I might even continue this one, unlike everything else I've created so far.    I haven't written anything in months. Feels different...    ---    <<Clydia...>>    ...       <<Clydia!!>>    You abruptly wake up from a dreamless sleep. Yet the scenery you face the moment you woke up feels eerie, unreal. You are blinded by a flickering flourescent white light. This is not your house in Althorm. Where are you?    You get up, and after a mild dizzyness you inspect the surroundings. You are still wearing your white