Chapter 1 - The Crawler - Part 2

Part 2 - The Brood

   Isczarc 18, 2E1177 (7T) (15:01)

      Limping a little, he trudged deeper into the pitch black large hollow. Ground was slippery and sloped steep downwards now, sinking even more into the ground. He half slid / half walked down, as careful as it gets, with the support of his sword, Breeze.
      The torchlight couldn't reach the top, or the sides of the hollow. He couldn't perceive much. He knew there were absolute motherload of those damn critters, crawling in the dark, on the ceiling. He could hear them, he could see the glint in their eyes, the ones with the red colour. He was relieved that none of them jumped on him, yet. Still, he continued looking around, drawing circles on his feet, swinging the torch, paranoid.
      Ground was full of broken nests and hatched egg shells, web and goo... Ugh! Smelled even worse here, and the heat increased, making him sweat under all the cotton and his scarf.
      Pillars of earth rose from the ground on four spots in his line of sight. Roots and moss hung upon them, and in the center of the cavity, there was the thick, sprawling roots and the large body of an underground tree, visible only barely from where he stood. Torchlight in the darkness shone like a beacon, maybe too much, he was blinking his eyes repeatedly to adjust to the constant shift between the light and the dark.
      After approaching closer, he could see the dry, peanut colored, almost dead tree branches, covered in sets of giant cobwebs. Terrifying loud hisses and clicks got louder in the ample hollow, coming from the other end of it.
      Spiders weren't moving towards him. They were waiting. Even the larger ones. Some were moving away from him... Not necessarily 'away from him' but towards something, as he figured out half a minute later.

>> I'm tired, this is incomplete, plain and probably boring, please ignore if you want to do so, because it will be updated, soon, hopefully... I could even scrap the whole thing if I happen to care too much about it.


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