
Showing posts from October, 2016

A GhostlyWorks (Late) Special Preparations (Abandoned)

      I just started the preparations for a game (GG2) / story project. This is the instance layout. Let's see how it goes.       Unfortunately, I'm too busy to work on this right now. But in a week or later, I'll be able to continue this project.       I don't think it will end before the end of November, though... and it won't really have a Halloween theme, but still, whatever... Late Edit:   I just like to add something:   Fuck C, fuck java and fuck everything related to Computer Software Engineering. That's all, thank you... I have two projects to finish before 26th of October, then I can go back to stuff that I like working on. Another Edit:   It's over! Finally! I'm free... for a short while of course, but still, the feeling of peace is priceless. Halloween Edit:   Welp, the day has come, and I still haven't made barely any progress at all. So I can't even call it a Halloween special now. It's just a-   nothing. I aband